Ruby (Part of breeding program)

Willowbrook’s Goodbye Ruby Tuesday was born April 5, 2022. Her mother is Gracie, and her father is Eden.

Ruby is a very loving dog. She is outgoing and very energetic. She loves to retrieve, and is showing great promise in the field with natural hunting instincts.

Ruby (like her mom, Gracie and grandma, Willow) likes to stay close to me. She never wanders far and checks in regularly. In the house she is always at my feet.

Ruby is a joy to have around. She has a strong desire to please, and is a wonderful companion.

Ruby looks a lot like her mother, but she also has a lot of her dad in her. Above are pictures of Ruby’s parents. Eden has been extremely successful in Springer Spaniel Field Trials similar to his National Field Champion (NFC) mother and NFC grandmother. Gracie also has two NFC grandfathers. See both pedigrees below.

Field trials are the ultimate way to prove a dog’s instinct, natural hunting ability, desire, trainability and stamina. These dogs have a good nose, are very birdy and have strong desire to please. These are characteristics that are passed on thru the lineage, and we look for these to continue to improve the breed.

Gracie’s Pedigree
Eden’s Pedigree